Internet Commerce Corporation

Goal: Strengthening stakeholder support by minimizing crisis fallout.


Stephenson Group was asked to minimize the potentially devastating effects on Internet Commerce Corporation’s (ICC) client base in the wake of two competitors’ decision to sever interconnectivity with ICC’s network.


In order to diminish the possibility of negative press and the resulting fallout to clients, Stephenson Group (SG) quickly executed a proactive media outreach initiative underscoring the CEO’s commitment to resolving service disruptions, clearly communicating the company’s strategy for recovery, and supporting ICC’s continued viability in the marketplace.


SG’s media relations campaign produced extensive media coverage of the ICC response, including virtually unanimous endorsement of ICC’s position among the media reporting on the issue. ICC reported not only minimal impact from the original competitor announcement, but increased support from various stakeholder groups, including clients.

Positive media mentions included the following outlets:

  • BusinessWeek Online
  • E-Commerce World
  • InternetWeek (4x)
  • Line 56
  • Tech Target
  • Wall Street & Technology Online
  • ZDNet